April 22, 2013

I'm not a pinner...

or how shall I put it...at least not yet!
I was recently told by a reader that my kitchen shelves had become
 a popular pin and even published within an online international 
lifestyle magazine. I didn't have a clue especially since nobody had asked 
for my permission in advance and I was quite sure it had to be the shelves 
from the recent makeover of the kitchen they liked.
 Oh my, was I wrong! It was the old ones that were popular.
So, for a brief moment I was in despair of all that hard work and
 very long time I spent remodeling the kitchen...but then nothing
 comes around quickly when I'm at it. Could I've been so wrong?
 Nevertheless...I said no no, this is what I wanted!
Got the daylight and the airy feeling I was looking for.
A clean and crisp choice, blending my antiques with a slight touch of modern daily life!
Still I can't help but wonder - wouldn't it be polite being asked for permission before 
publishing somebody else's pictures. I don't mind the pinning, but for commercial 
benefits others than it's owner it's really a creepy feeling. I've seen several blogs 
being referred to as from other countries that by it's origin. I guess many using 
Pinterest are really unaware of this problem and YES it may not be a big thing!

I guess I might have comments on this...but I can take it!
Hopefully there will be some good answers too.



  1. Well the good news is that your kitchen shelves are that popular, but I totally agree they should have asked before publishing your photo. It would be nice to at least have a copy of the article/book.

  2. Oh gosh, I am so sorry. You need to put a watermark across the bottom of your photos so that cannot happen. I don't know how to do it, but you can see it around blogland. With the watermark, no one can use your photo b/c your name will be on it!

  3. Håller med dig...fråga måste man ju göra även om jag förstår varför de vill använda dina underbart fina bilder (som jag, oss emellan är helt kär i)...men din egendom är det ju ändå. TACK för hälsning från Kletus. Kul att han fått en liten kompis. Jag saknar verkligen kattsällskap häromkring det är inte så många som det var en gång. Jag har fått en liten hundkompis i stället. En foxterrierpojke Måns (kattnamn eller...?) som är så söt, lånehund är han också....men en katt är en katt. Ha en skön söndag (här regnar det idag...Hurra!) Kram till er!

  4. I second the watermark. Picmonkey is a free online editor and there are some other free ones as well that let one easily add a photo watermark.

    Very beautiful by the way...

  5. INGELA-

    The collections and editing of your kitchen are fantastic.

    Everyone dreams of having such personal and beautifully selected and edited things in their interiors.

    Pinning: it is OK if...big if...it is credited. I have found THE STYLE SALONISTE images all over PINTEREST...just go to Pinterest and search (box in upper left) for THE STYLE SALONISTE...and a whole world of my images comes up, including portraits and shots I took in Burma and Cambodia, and hundreds of my blog edits.
    Now Pinterest finally shows the source...and many Pinners click over to my blog...and then start copying/pinning...
    You can't stop it...and many people do not understand ownership/copyright/legal issues regarding photography. Photographers own photos...and many make a living selling them. So using them without credit or payment or permission is wrong and at the very least unethical.
    Be pleased that you are pinned and presented...and I'd suggest that you contact the various people and
    request at least that they CREDIT YOU...
    In the meantime...please send us more of your kitchen and house and garden...espec. in summer.
    very best DIANE

  6. wow how wonderful your kitchen looks! i am impressed! just love it, looks so perfect <3
    your whole house is perfect!
    kram, sarah
