September 28, 2010

Embrace yourselves...

höstens härliga film, Tuva Novotny spelar med i 
Take a peek.....

Svensk premiär på fredag!

Let yourselves go,

biodags girls!!!  

P.s. Pay attention to the marvellous voice of Richard Jenkins.

September 26, 2010

Trudilutta dig.......

We have a new tenant in our house.
Charming little fellow.....
and he doesn't seem to cause any rivalry either as long as he stays put.
The little statue is made out of sandstone, 
he is slightly weather-beaten by age,
 having lived a long life for many centuries 
playing his flute in a park somewhere.

Now in caring hands,


September 22, 2010

Business associate......

min trogne kompanjon gillar de numera  temporära kontorsrutinerna
hemma i köket.
Vårt permanenta tillhåll har nu hamnat i  en containter ute på gatan,
 kontoret har så att säga blåsts ut. Tack o lov är verksta'n orörd än så länge!
Vidare värst effektiv tycker jag inte att han är, han power nappar för det mesta eller smiter ut på toan hela tiden......en massa matpauser skall han ha också. Stretchar o töjer på sig pysslar han med en hel och då
är jag faktiskt snabb att hänga på, blir stel som ett krokigt grenverk av att sitta still och sköta papper.
Som hantverkare blir man lätt "bagarens barn" och jag prövar nu att
nåla fast ett gammalt franskt bröllopslakan för att testa lite.
Risken är stor att det blir hängande så för en tid......
Märkligt nog kan jag inte finna maken till detta par bland mina hyllmeter av
antikt linne. Kan inte begripa varför lilla kollegan inte är intresserad av att leta!

Ia med kompanjon Kletus, idag blev hans stämpelkort inte godkänt.

My office has been totally demolished, tossed away in a dumpster.

So for the time being most of my company's paperwork has to be
made sitting at my dining table in the kitchen.

My sweet fellow companion is rather lazy and prefers having continuous
power naps on the table next to my computer, preferably being caressed by 
my right hand most of the time...when he's not paying a visit to the loo
or having one of his many breakes for a snack. 

We do have workout sessions once in a while during the day,
a relief for a stiff back that is not supposed to sit on a chair for very long.

I'm trying a new idea for unlined drapes in my kitchen and so far I've
managed to find time to have one in a pair of two antique French wedding bed sheets
pinned onto the old drape......just as a check to see if it works well.
Now I don't seem to find the other one, stacked away in the storage room 
on a pile of textiles...somewhere! 

September 16, 2010

At dawn......

mid September 
Blue sky reflecting the window pane.
Sun setting earlier by the day.....
Best time of the me a short break to contemplate.

Now is also the time to organize the garden.....slowly bit by bit.
emptying out pots.....covering some of the plants in soil, to 
protect the roots from being detroyed at winter frost.

We are being supervised......

Music in the air you remember!!!

Have a great September Day!


September 09, 2010

First and last.....

Cleaning up a workshop that has been closed for almost 6 months 
consumes a lot more time than I'm really up for.
Displays being dusted.....a tediously boring work.
Once done.......
I can focus on spreading my tables with beautiful embroidered silk again. Much more fun!
Needles on an antique pincushion.
I prefer standing while working but there is a old industrial stool to rest a leg against.
One of the last projects before closing in the beginning of April
is now being documented and filed as completed. 

A Ralph Lauren design "A Poetry Walk" in chocolate, handstitched drapes in 3 layers with lining
and blackout, hanging on a special ordered rod in pewter. There is no pleating tape used in the
heading of the drape, the rings are sewn directly onto the top with a linen thread.  The rings are then  twisted in pairs towards one another to shape natural heavy pleats and will retain the full witdh. 
The calender is slowly filling up with appointments, autumn is here
and I'm back on track, if only part time so far. The rest is to be...... 

By a ✂ hand,  Ia. Happily playing with her tools again!

September 03, 2010


med en son under pågående reklamutbildningoch som debatterande familj,
hamnar vi titt som tätt i tyckande o tänkande i ämnet.
Nu har Kletus hamnat i fokus som exempel på hans uttryck av livsnjutning.

 Hoppar han  upp på bänken och sätter sig vid spisen,
är han sugen på lite kokt torsk. Vi pepparkorn o lagerblad.
Aj aj Husse, du får blåsa lite!!
En god stunds borstning sitter heller aldrig fel...
En liten mysstund. Ömsesidig kärlek som och ska vårdas.
Kan det vara något för reklamens värld?


Our youngest son is now enrolled in an international bachelor's program in advertising
and quite often at the dinnertable we end up having discussions (yes, this is a debating family)
and ideas in this subject. This time our house cat cuddly behaviours came up as a suggestion 
for a draft. What do you think?

The motive goes -

 On Friday evenings in Sweden you are supposed to focus on having
a relaxed time after a week of hard work.
There is a running TV commercial on one of the major channels
and if I'm to translate it from Swedish it goes something like "Friday cuddle".
The only contradictory could be that the ad is for potato chips, not fish!

Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend!

September 02, 2010


att jag är en fantast av gjutjärn kanske har framgått med tiden.
Eldstadens tegelväggar valde vi att klä med gamla skivor i
gjutjärn med sirlig dekor, när den uppfördes för 25 år sedan.
Den gamla vedspisen från Norrahammar inhandlades från en 
byggnadsvårdsbutik och renoverades efter konstens alla regler.

Jag har alltid jobbat sida vid sida med husets hantverkare och denna
eldstad växte fram med gemensamma ritningar på väggen under
 byggets gång. Ett rätt givande sätt att få ordning på de små detaljerna. 
Andra små detaljer som verkar sitta på sin plats, enligt mitt senaste
röntgenbesök är alla 4 bultar och 12 skruvar i ryggen.
Jag gillar ju metaller, titan funkar det med! 
Nu skall jag väl stå stadigt.......


The old word of wisdom saying the heart of the house is to be
 the open fireplace is somewhat true. The snug comfortable delight 
from a log fire in the kitcehn on a chilly fall morning.....

I'm rather fond of works performed in cast iron and when we
had the openfire place made 25 years ago, the walls inside 
were covered by old plates of ornamented cast iron.

The wood stove is a hundred years old and has been meticulously
restored before being installed.

P.s. My latest x-ray pictures of the spinal fixation are telling all the 4 bults 
and 12 screws are just in the perfect position and look really well so far.