October 26, 2012

Black friday.....

or more like having another antique sofa for a bargain in the kitchen!
 The first one came with the house,
but was recently moved to the sun porch!
After some 28 years...
 No kitchen without a place to stretch out....
 Turning faces, I'm up for a weekend with them paint brushes.
I prefer a clean table during the day, 
but of course I never say no for a nice
 bouquet of pale pink crisp roses!
Sweet weekend
Anyone else up for painting

October 13, 2012

Sunny side up

at breakfast this September morning
De allra sista plantorna har lyfts in. Detta är den första hösten 
 med köksverandan inglasad och helt färdig. Till och med 
kökssoffan har fått flytta hit, då så mycket tid tillbringas här.
 This morning was really chilly outdoors, this is the first fall with the sunporch all set
and it's a big hit. With the sun it's even warmer than outdoors...... 
 I had my first cup of coffee on the porch this morning,
when deciding to finally close up my garden for this year and move some plants indoors.
 The kitchen sofa has now it's place on the sunny porch

Before...two years ago without the panes!

October 05, 2012

Pretty as sugar.....

I've never shared with you before 
anything from my showroom.
This novelty from a british designer just lit up my life
and is about to be launched in Sweden.
My sample order was the quickest I've ever made
and I wanted to share it with you all.
 Pretty pretty pretty......may be ordered in any fabric

 I'm deeply in love again
How about you?

October 01, 2012

Det var på tiden......

med lite envist tålamod så blev det färdigmålat.
Titanvit linolja allover....med linoljekittade spröjs.
Gissa om jag är glad att vi delvis lejde bort arbetet!
 Samtidigt som vindskivan fick sin krusidull
Citronerna väntar nu på att bli gula,
 alldeles ypperligt läge vid köksingången.

Autumn is here and this also means time's up for painting outdoors with linseed oil paint.
The temperature is not warm enough and it's getting pretty humid in the air.
We are really pleased for closing this job in time, although with some extra help.
All those panes almost drove us insane......a set of 6 antique windows and 
a pair of doors that needed to be restored now close the kitchen porch
 ...and to mention the serious amount of the linseed oil putty.

This project took almost 2 years to accomplish, from the very beginning 
finding the old veranda amongst a lot of recuperated building material
'til the very last stroke with paint. What happened in between is a long story!

The lemon tree is doing great by this kitchen entrance